15-17 February 2024

New phone app takes FNB Dusi forward

Participants in the FNB Dusi Canoe Marathon from 15 to 17 February will be able to enjoy a new level of technological support following the launch of a new updated app that will bring essential information to the cellphones of both paddlers and their seconders.


The app includes vital information on the level of the uMsundusi and uMngeni Rivers posted every morning, allowing paddlers to make informed decision about whether or not to plan training trips into the valley if there is enough water in the system.

The dFNBAppaily updates of photos and descriptions are being supplied by a network of community members, providing early morning information from Decision Rapid, roughly halfway down the first stage, Gauging Weir on the second stage, and from Pumphouse Weir below Inanda dam on the final stage.

The information available on the app also includes a day-by-day guide to the entire race, with rapid descriptions, videos, seconding points, spectator viewpoints and watering stations, as well as the regularly updated results of the water quality testing.

Users of the app will also have a chance to win a Gara split paddle in a fun competition based on the best photos submitted during the race. A new Paddle Pulse segment allows users to post their comments and photos to the app.

“The FNB Dusi is the oldest and most famous race in the country, steeped in tradition. At the same time it continues to grow and evolve, ensuring that it remains relevant and contemporary as well,” said FNB Business.

“We are excited to be supporting the event with the FNB Dusi app, particularly as we have been able to come up with a solution to the perennial problem of a lack of information about the water levels in the two rivers.

“This is a partnership with the local communities that creates new opportunities, and uses technology to improve the access to information for paddlers and their seconders.

“The advances in GPS mapping technology also makes it possible to provide seconders, who provide an invaluable service to the race, to get accurate road mapping and directions to every seconding and spectator point,” he added.

The FNB Dusi app, designed by Wysetalk, is available for free from the Google Playstore at
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wyzetalk.lineardusi1 and the Apple iStore at