15-17 February 2024

Charity Batch Beneficiaries

Proceeds from The Dusi Charity Batch will be shared equally between; Duzi Umngeni Conservation Trust (DUCT) and The Valley Chiefs Fund.

The Duzi Umngeni Conservation Trust (DUCT) was established by local paddlers in 2006 to champion the environmental health of the uMsunduzi and uMngeni Rivers, and they have since then made an appreciable impact. To find out more about what they have been doing that affects Dusi paddlers, read more here. DUCT is a fully registered professionally managed charity.

The Valley Chiefs Fund
The Valley Chiefs Fund is our way of saying thank you to the communities who live in the valleys which we paddle/run through. The funds will be used on projects which benefit the local residents in consultation with their traditional leadership structures. The Dusi Committee will ensure that there is full accountability for the funds and that they are used well.

Donations are B-BBEE certified and moreover qualify for Section 18A tax deductions.